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Musical editing


Choosing the suitable music repertoire & forming the perfect DJ set, is probably the most decisive factor in creating a successful entertainment event. Sounds Good has an experienced & full of energy team of professional DJs, with hundreds of gigs on their track record. They also performe in the city's friendliest bars, clubs and restaurants, have their own radio & internet radio programmes, while keeping close tabs on what the latest trends are on the international music scene & what kind of music different types of audiences prefer to listen to.

The ability to create just the right playlist, which combines this year's hit songs with the "oldies but goodies", mixed in new & original versions, will make your guests never want to leave the dance floor. Instrumental in this is of course, working closely with you & discussing in detail your preferences, through our wide range of music for all tastes & styles, as well as for any kind of event that you may already have in mind, or not...yet!

Check out our mixed sessions

The mixed sessions are indicative of our music aesthetics & preferences about international commercial repertoire. Feel free to contact us about your music preferences & we will get back to you with specific playlists based on your requests. Your requests that will have been discussed in detail, together with the reactions of your guests during the event & our experience, are the most important factors that will determine the music playlist of your event.

Musicians & Live Bands

  Singers, Live Bands, Saxophonists, Violinists, Percussionists are ready to enter your event,           attracting the most attention & praise, in a few steal the show!

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